A moment to reflect...
This is the entry level programme and is aimed at taking a moment to reflect on your current health. This is achieved by having an awareness and understanding of your current health and looking at what can be done to get your body to where it wants to be.
The Health Evaluation is a great point to introduce change, purpose and meaning to your health. This plan will involve a clinical test that will form the basis of your personalised health plan.
Testing will ensure key area of focus, it is a great evidenced approach to getting results.
I work with highly reputable laboratories that are dedicated to results and are passionate about what they do.

What it includes
90 min person consultation
- Understanding your current health status, medical history and any concerns or areas of focus
- Understanding your current diet, lifestyle and commitments
- Goals or desired outcomes
- Recommendation on clinical testing requirements
60 min x 2 follow up consultation that will include:
- Test interpretation – walk through of the test results
- Personalised nutrition & supplement plan aligned to your test results
- Current medication and nutrients interaction evaluation if applicable
Book a Call. No Cost or Commitment.
Not sure about what is right for you or just want to discuss other options.