A few of my recommendations
Clients will often ask for my advice and if I have heard of a certain brand or gadget.
I will always share what I know and offer up info on things I have come across. I do prefer to give my personal experience rather than what I have been told or at least tried the product. I am not affiliated with any particular brand and don't get any form of revenue from them. All I do ask from them is a little bit more background info on their product. That is if I can't find what I have been looking for in their marketing blurb. I recently contacted REAL Kombucha to discuss the genuine health benefits as I am keen to understand how toxic their tea leaves are and if they use filtered water for the brewing process. They were great in providing all the info and reassurance I needed to be able to recommend them. That info is more valuable than any revenue and gives me the confidence to not only keep purchasing their product but share to my clients.
Red Light Therapy

The benefits of Red Light therapy are endless. Red light Rising offer a great alternative for on the go support. You can use this one in your office or bedroom. Keep it in a place that you regularly use and get your daily top up. These guys know take their business seriously and are great at giving you the right support.
Pop Corn Maker

A great addition to the kitchen for those snack moments. I have one of these and use this regularly to help with the snacking urge, it stops you reaching for the crisps or other less favourable snacks. Give it a go, you can add many great natural flavours to help curb cravings. Have a look at the blog on popcorn to get some ideas.
Organic Live Miso

I will often recommend miso as a protein option to help achieve daily intake. This is always an area that I tip-toe around as there is a lot of controversy around soy. The bottom line is make sure it is from a true organic source and is from the fermented bean rather than a reproduction. Navi have some of the best products.
Water Filter System

This is a subject close to my heart as I realised that I was being 'poisoned' from bottled water. A test revealed that I had build up of a certain toxin in my liver that was from my water source. After much investigating it came down to a single source. That very same day I purchase the YVE water system and have used since. It makes hydrating so much easier and safer.
Collagen Protein Bar

Something I am always asked about is 'what protein snack bars are ok" the truth is nothing can replace a good meal but I understand that we do need to give advice that supports a variety of choices. I often get sent product samples and will first make a judgement by taste, once this has got a thumbs up I will look at the nutritional value. This one is a firm favourite at the moment
REAL Kombucha

Kombucha is fast become an acceptable drink on the menu. I urge you to make sure how healthy your go to kombucha is. Do they use organic tea leave (China + India!) and are they using water that is filtered for the brewing and fermenting process. These are two key areas that we need to be looking at. I then also look at the sugar content as there are brands that are increasing their sugar content. Once you are satisfied with these you do in fact have a very health drink and can then enjoy.